Zeytinliboğaz Permakültür Çiftliği

Zeytinliboğaz Permakültür Çiftliği

Short description of your place and practices

Zeytinli Boğaz Farm was established in the 1970s. It is a family farm with fields of activity such as animal husbandry, fruit growing, vegetable growing, olive growing. It was transferred to us in 2008 with the aging of the owner. As we improve ourselves by constantly researching, observing and reading, we gain new practices by applying the ideas given to us by our farm and our environment.

Sustainable agriculture or permaculture is an ecological design approach that implements human settlements in nature according to agricultural practices and sustainability viewpoints sampled from natural ecosystems.

You can come to learn about Camping, Vacation and Permaculture Farming. Accommodation Available.




Responsible for information

Zeytinliboğaz Permakültür çiftliği