Waewae Permaculture

Waewae Permaculture

Short description of your place and practices

Waewae Permaculture is a small-scale organic market garden near Osborne, started by Fiona and Lian in 2019.

We supply a diverse range of vegetables to the Otago farmers market and through our home delivery boxes. We grow organically to permaculture principles producing a range of colourful vegetables including heirloom varieties.

Waewae literally translates as feet/legs but the meaning extends far beyond that to include a place to stand, a place where we feel especially empowered and connected (turangawaewae), our place in the world, home. It also means no tractors and reliance on our legs and feet to get things done around the property!

We use regenerative, bio-intensive farming principles on an acre of coastal, river alluvium which we supplement with certified organic compost, our own compost and liquid emulsions. The land for the past 30 years had been farmed on organic principles and was used primarily for grazing horses, before we started growing food on it.

What is Regenerative farming?

Regenerative Agriculture is a system of farming principles and practices that increases biodiversity, enriches soils, improves watersheds, and enhances ecosystem cycles by capturing carbon in soil and aboveground biomass. The system draws from decades of scientific and applied research by the global communities of organic farming, agroecology, holistic management, and agroforestry.



New Zealand

Responsible for information

Waewae Permaculture