The Odd Gumnut Farm

The Odd Gumnut Farm

Short description of your place and practices

We're permaculturists on a mission for a more resilient future for all! We know it's high time for all of us to do some critical thinking. To fundamentally question the system. To radically reskill ourselves. To return to a life that is grounded, nourished and 100% woke!

We are The Odd Gumnut and we are here to empower you to leave the conventional and discover what else is possible.

We live in a mindset where we consider ourselves separate from nature. We are nature. To nurture & live in relation with nature is to nurture our own human spirit.
The call of the hour, for our generation, is to remove the conditioning on what society says it is to live a thriving life. Remember your own power and connect with your spirit.

You are a free thinker.

It’s easy to be feel burdened by the question of what can I do? What impact can I make? What we can do is make the shift from a destructive & extractive lifestyle to a regenerative one.

The revolution begins at home. Within your own mind. We must unlearn and upskill. We must declare ourselves producers in this modern age of unbridled consumption. For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes.

We can move away from a linear mindset of having to work to earn money to buy things for our happiness.

We can turn off the television and ignite our creativity. Our ancestors were all makers and producers. That memory is entwined in our DNA and now is the time to reawaken it.

We can grow our own food, we can build our own furniture. We can be catalysts for resilient communities. We can Upcycle waste into resource & make conscious decisions about what we purchase. Support systems that are regenerative & nourish us and the ecosystems we live in.

​We’re waiting to meet you out here. Are you coming?


We produce and sell healthy nutritious foods and sparkling probiotic bevvies. ​To create food that will nourish the body and soul, we steer away from mass manufacturing, and provide handmade products that do not contain anything artificial or developed in a lab. We never add preservatives, additives, stabilizers, emulsifiers or any other bullsh*t.

We only sell what we love, consume and use ourselves.

​We believe in bio-regional self sufficiency, and source ingredients both from our farm and others in our area. By doing so, we support small businesses and nuture direct connections with farmers, meaning less food miles and more dollars in that farmers pocket. By doing this, we cut the middle men and know first hand the farming practices of our raw ingredients.

​Growing your own food is an empowering act of resilience and fosters an intimate relationship with Mother Earth. By sharing and making available our experience, knowledge, techniques and tools, we help you become growers and producers yourself.



Responsible for information

The Odd Gumnut