Silver Springs Hops & Permaculture Farm

Silver Springs Hops & Permaculture Farm

Short description of your place and practices

Hops growing and permaculture solutions. We offer a range of wholesale and retail products. Specific to the challanges of Australians gardens and farms. Est 2015,

Established 2015 we decided to try and bring back the lost industry of hops growing in the Adelaide Hills. Since I found out one of the first commercial hops farm in South Australia established in the 1880s was just down the road from where we are now. Our hops are naturally sheltered from wind in the bottom of a wet gully with natural spring providing the water in summer. They get are growing in long day light hours in summer, nice clean flowing air off Mt Bold Reservoir and beautiful rich soil. Vegetable trials are still continuing and we had lots of success through the 2020/21 growing season. Our head horticulturalist Stuart is fully qualified in the field of horticulture. He also aas decades of experience in contract gardening in home gardens around South Australia’s cold Adelaide hills and foot hills climates around Belair and Blackwood. We make it look easy. Hops isnt a specifically hard to grow plant as long as it gets some of the things it needs it should last a few years in even harsh warm and tropical conditions. The only issue with areas that dont get cold enough is the plants will stop growing flowers after a few year. If that happens. You can always replace them with new plants that have been vernalised properly with a cold period in winter.



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Silver Springs Hops & Permaculture Farm