Sahainan Permaculture Organic Farm

Sahainan Permaculture Organic Farm

Short description of your place and practices

Farm located in northern Thailand, center for permaculture education. Our goal is to build and maintain a sustainable way of life.

Sahainan Organic Permaculture Farm is an 5.5 acre (14 rai) family farm located in the mountains of northern Thailand. Founded in end of 2014, it is currently a food forest growing a wide variety of herbs, fruits and vegetables: cashew nuts, rambutan, avocado, banana, papaya, mango, jackfruit, durian, tamarind, bamboo, teak wood, chili, longkong, pumpkin, luffa, green beans, rice, coffee, ginger, turmeric, cardamon, sesame, black beans, peanuts, long bean, morning glory, moringa, cotton, sweet potato, passion fruits, sacha inchi, coriader, dill, onion, garlic, medicinal herbs, and much more.

Our purpose is to build and maintain a sustainable way of life—one in which the well-being of our planet and all life that live upon it is of utmost importance. We want to heal the damages inflicted by our modern society of overconsumption, fossil fuel dependence and industrial agriculture. To achieve this, we are striving to become a leading permaculture demonstration and education center—a place where all walks of life can gain the knowledge necessary to change the world.



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Sahainan Permaculture Organic Farm