Moyo Farm

Moyo Farm

Short description of your place and practices

We are a small off grid family farm practicing the principles of permaculture and working toward self sufficiency (garden is in beginning stages). We use solar power and our own well for water. We’re a multicultural family (Canadian-Tanzanian) with two young children. Our accommodation is basic but comfortable, built from the coral rock found on our property with locally made wooden beds and closets. We look forward to sharing our simple, holistic farm life and Zanzibari culture with you!

The space

Our several acre farmstead is set in a remote area of Zanzibar between Jozani Chwaka National Park and Paje village. Our home is off grid and built from coral rock found on the property. We have chickens, cows, dairy goats, cats, dogs and a small vegetable, herb and medicinal garden, in addition to the many trees we have planted. Our farm is often visited by wild monkeys and bush babies, bats and butterflies. We are also located a quick 15 minute drive from the picturesque beaches of Paje on the South East Coast of Zanzibar.


Tanzania, United Republic of

Responsible for information

Moyo Farm