Morgarot Farm

Morgarot Farm

Short description of your place and practices

Morgarot Farm is lived permaculture.

On our permaculture farm we are all 100% there for nature. This means for us, the species-appropriate animal housing as well as the natural cultivation, so that sustainable cycles can be created without any chemicals.

This appreciation of nature can be enjoyed by customers and interested people, on the one hand, in the form of food as well as online seminars.

The roots provide the plant with nourishment, protection and growth. They connect through their roots and form a community. This way they support each other, which enables them to grow better and become stronger.

The circle illustrates the eternity of God and the importance of our thoughts, words and deeds in the circle of life.

Through awareness of sustainability and our being and doing, we want to nurture the roots so that the circle builds up and becomes strong



Responsible for information

Morgarot Farm