Marda Permaculture Farm

Marda Permaculture Farm

Short description of your place and practices

Initiated in 2006 by permaculturist Murad Alkhufash, the Marda Permaculture Farm is a working farm and demonstration site for permaculture principles, techniques and strategies. Based in the community of Marda, the project promotes food security, health, self-reliance and Palestinian empowerment.

Through modeling the practicalities of water harvesting and conservation, energy conservation, and home-scale garden production, with readily available and locally-appropriate materials, Marda Permaculture Farm is one of the few innovative production farms of its kind in the West Bank and the Middle East.

The Marda Permaculture Farm has developed into a thriving model of permaculture design principles. It models core permaculture techniques and principles including all organic methods, use of plant guilds and food forests, composting, greenhouse, swales to retain water and build soil, integration of orchards with fruit and nut trees, vineyards, chickens, pigeons, bees, and composting. See More in


Palestine, State of

Responsible for information

Marda Permaculture Farm