Lauriston Farm

Lauriston Farm

Short description of your place and practices

Edinburgh Agroecology Co-op is proposing a new vision for Lauriston Farm.
Our vision is for a large scale urban food growing project which is nature rich, and which will benefit primarily the communities that live in the local area but also the wider city into the future.
We aim to address some of the issues around access to local, affordable fresh produce, environmental degradation and lack of opportunities for people in cities to gain experience in food production resulting in a greater understanding of the wider food system.
This land and proposed project has the potential to deliver many benefits including increased access to affordable locally grown food, increased biodiversity and enrichment of local wildlife habitats, carbon capture, multiple avenues for training and education around food growing and biodiversity and for celebration and coming together through community activities and events.
In the longer term we plan to provide support for other micro enterprises and increase skills and knowledge in land based work.
We view this as a unique opportunity to create a large urban farm in Scotland that will be beneficial for the land and the people.
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United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Responsible for information

Edinburgh Agroecology Coop