Laughing Frog Farm

Laughing Frog Farm

Short description of your place and practices

We are a small permaculture farm in northern Waller County, Texas near Hempstead.

We grow for direct sales at farmer markets, offer a CSA, deliver to restaurants, have farm dinners, and have other on-farm events.

We grow in harmony with nature, not trying to defy it. Our gardens are diverse and bountiful, and are always changing with something new planted every week, adding variety for the soil health and bees and trying to confuse the insect pests.

Regenerative agriculture is the key to sustainability and we are learning, teaching and practicing what we can.
We grow everything with no synthetic fertilizers, fungicides, pesticides, or herbicides.

We follow organic rules, using permaculture and biodynamic farming principles. We raise produce, chickens for eggs, broiler chickens, Gulf Coast Native Sheep.


United States of America

Responsible for information

Laughing Frog Farm