La Ferme de Sourrou

La Ferme de Sourrou

Short description of your place and practices

La Ferme de Sourrou, in the Dordogne, is one of these exemplary achievements of permaculture in practice.

The objective of the Sourrou farm is to practice and experiment with permaculture while building a house that is partly energy self-sufficient, in order to live more sustainably. Everything has been thought out and built to live without spending a lot of money.

Their life project: to develop a viable farm according to the principles of permaculture. Aware of the magnitude of the task, they never lost sight of the enormous work to be done upstream. But today they are reaping the rewards and living as they see fit.

Even more, they share their experience to "inspire people, make them understand that permaculture works", enthuses Irène. To visit the Sourrou farm, its 1 ha garden, to discover its hundred varieties of vegetables, flowers and fruits, the biodiversity of wild or domestic fauna, and also the dwelling house..., is to contemplate the permaculture at work for twenty years.



Responsible for information

La Ferme De Sourrou