Kendall Permaculture Farm

Kendall Permaculture Farm

Short description of your place and practices

The Kendall Permaculture Farm is located in the Noosa Hinterland town of Kin Kin in Queensland, Australia. It has been a Permaculture Demonstration and Education site since 2012, and over 350 people have been trained onsite since then, a lot of them staying for several months or more in order to learn as much as they can. It is located in the Noosa Biosphere area and within close access to the Noosa trail network. Lakes and the ocean are not far away. The Noosa area has been experiencing soil deposits from the Kin Kin area into the Noosa river and lake systems. By demonstrating our soil retention methods on the Kendall Permaculture Farm, we are aiming to educate other local land owners to create systems to prevent excess runoff from their land.



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Kendall Permaculture Farm