Kasamatsu Farms

Kasamatsu Farms

Short description of your place and practices

Greetings! We are Byron and Kaori Nagy, owners Kasamatsu Farms, a family-run organic farm based in the mountains outside of Tokyo where we practice regenerative agriculture and permaculture style market gardening since 2012.

It wasn't our intention to pursue farming business, but we gradually shifted to it as a result of living in the countryside since 2011, after we left our corporate city jobs. We run a company doing various things, including running a boutique hotel (a silk production farm house that Byron renovated with friends and carpenters) which is a short walk from the farm, called Yokomura Eco-lodge.

We decided to try to live a more sustainable lifestyle that is in harmony with nature after the 3/11 earthquake in 2011. We have a completely off-grid facility where we can process, wash, and pack our veg and eggs. In order to decrease our carbon footprint, we avoid using single-use plastic as much as possible when we ship our boxes out, and by default, most items will come wrapped in paper (eggs come in paper crates/cases as well).

Since April 2020, when the pandemic started to get more serious in Japan, we started this online store to deliver directly to consumers who may be looking to stay safe at home and want access to fresh, organic, often unusual and heirloom vegetables, and farm-range eggs. The chickens provide a recycling, regenerating, and interactive aspect to our farm with their nature to eat organic matter, contribute to compost, and add the fun (although not easy!) aspect of dealing with farm animals.

We are always experimenting and evolving, and honestly, we don't know how long the pandemic will last or how long we will keep going with our commercial business, but we hope that we will inspire people to think about taking care of their health, the environment, and how good vegetables and eggs can taste when it is truly fresh and comes from a trusted source, grown with love, intention, and care.
We serve Chefs around Japan, as well as individuals who love love love to eat healthy! Thank you always for the inspiration you give US!




Responsible for information

Kasamatsu Farms