Jody's Farms

Jody's Farms

Short description of your place and practices

Simple food through simple principles

Our permaculture farming techniques foster sustainable and integrated systems that support natural ecosystems and healthy harmonious living.

Jody grew up in a farming community in the Philippines. A natural entrepreneur and go-getter, she picked up and moved to Georgia with her three children and worked for many years in the corporate world. Although she was a successful business woman, she found herself craving a return to a simpler way of life. So in 2016, she sold her business, moved out of the city and found 40 acres of beautiful untouched land in Rutledge, GA. She has since transformed those acres into a lush and bountiful permaculture farm, filled with all types fruits and vegetables- from the peaches and pears that grow in the orchard to the heirloom tomatoes ripening in the greenhouse. Jody works with a small team who helps her harvest and sell produce to the amazing community of customers she has met.

On our permaculture farm, we believe in working with the land rather than against it. Permaculture farming employs science to determine the best relative placement of components to increase resources, create & conserve energy, and eliminate pollution & waste. We believe in chemical free farming so we never use chemical fertilizers or herbicides. We control our plants through natural means and only use prepared compost created directly by our chickens and goats. We offer fresh produce, grown locally, year round. We are known for offering a diverse array of vegetables you won’t find at your regular grocery store. While we have plenty of tomatoes and kale to go around, we also grow unique produce that we are excited to teach you how to cook with.



United States of America

Responsible for information

Jody's Farms