Hildaberry Permaculture Farm & Nursery

Hildaberry Permaculture Farm & Nursery

Short description of your place and practices

Hildaberry Permaculture Farm & Nursery

The heart and soul of our farm and nursery is our soil. We believe that soil health is the foundation for all success on the farm. We use regenerative techniques when managing our soil, which include such practices as cover cropping, minimally invasive tillage, recycling nutrients through composting, and using natural mulches to add organic matter and soil protection.

Growing healthy plants is essential to our mission. Our commitment is to grow plants that are hardy and adaptable by growing them slow and by using natural products such as kelp, compost, beneficial fungi, and beneficial microbes. We want our produce to be as nutrient dense as possible for the benefit of all whom consume it.

Our farming practices aim to leave the ecosystem in a better state than when we started. This includes providing food for pollinators, not using any herbicides or pesticides (even organic ones), and planting a wide diversity of plants to provide habitat for birds, amphibians, and beneficial insects.



United States of America

Responsible for information

Hildaberry Permaculture Farm & Nursery