Henbant Permaculture

Henbant Permaculture

Short description of your place and practices

Henbant has meadows, pasture, woodland, lakes, fairies and stunning views of both sea and mountain.

​We use Permaculture, Holistic Management and Agro-Ecological methods to grow veg, fruit, beef and eggs, but on a small and regenerative human scale that provides food and fuel for our home, our visitors and the local community.

​As well as being productive, Henbant is a place where people can come and slow down for a while, to think about what matters in the world and what the world needs us to give back.

A Bit More Detail..

Henbant is a small diverse family and community farm between the mountains and the sea in North West Wales. One of our core aims is to prove that a small farm in less favoured area can produce food, financial, social and environmental profit, sequester carbon and be enjoyable to manage. If we can prove this is the case then the future of agriculture, environment, health and economy is in a very strong position!

There is a common and incorrect assumption that food production is a negative thing and that it’s our job both as producer and consumers to make it less bad, more sustainable. However regenerative agriculture and taking a holistic approach can result in food production systems that actively help with current ecological problems.

The future of food production is currently undertaking a significant overhaul. Climate change and ecological collapse both threaten current food production models and in return are to some extent responsible for the problems in the first place. It is likely that future protein sources will be factory derived whilst the farming that continues is done so in a both very regenerative ecological way and using this ecology to increase the resilience of the food production itself.

Within terrestrial landscapes one of the most productive and diverse niches is forest edge. We thus propose to maximise the amount of forest edge, maximising diversity across the whole farm and to grow food crops within this system.

Our Holistic Context (Nov 2018)

Using holistic management methods (Savory, 2010) we have developed a set of holistic contexts for us as a family and for the farm.

We have time to enjoy each other, not get stressed and stay healthy

We have a abundant and productive farm with healthy soil, ecosystem and human community.

We have a stable, sufficient income

We live purposeful lives we can be proud of and we make the world a better place

We have a diversity of visitors to the farm and the farm becomes valued by them in their lives

To achieve this we apply the permaculture ethics of people care, fair share, earth care in everything we do.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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