George Jones Memorial Farm and Nature Preserve

George Jones Memorial Farm and Nature Preserve

Short description of your place and practices

The George Jones Memorial Farm and Nate Preserve is the de facto farm for Oberlin College and Lorain County Community College. It is also a food aggregator and the home of City Fresh, a non profit CSA that operates in Northeast Ohio distributing about 600 shares per week during the growing season. We have taught Agroecology, Permaculture, and sustainable practices here for over 2 decades.


United States of America

Farm and farming system

4 - Other 
Crops, Animals, Trees, Fish, Other

Details of the farming system

Education and Farm Incubation for graduates.

What is your dream for the future of your farm and/or your location in general?

To continue to strengthen Northeast Ohio’s food system and offer a space for new farmers to test their ideas and build their dreams. And to continue to innovate ways to create more environmentally harmonious systems for all people.

Responsible for information

Brad Charles Melzer