East Neuk Market Garden

East Neuk Market Garden

Short description of your place and practices

East Neuk Market Garden is a 4 acre, small-scale, agroecological farm growing over 50 varieties of vegetables, salads, herbs and fruit in the beautiful East Neuk of Fife.
Connie and Tom started East Neuk Market Garden on rented land from the Balcaskie estate at Bowhouse, St Monans, late in 2018

We left London in 2017 to work on organic farms in France, Spain and Portugal, before coming to work at Pillars of Hercules in Falkland in the spring of 2018.

We want to grow food to feed local people and do it in a way which enhances and regenerates rather than degrades the wider ecosystem.

We love being outside, working hard and getting to know our customers.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Responsible for information

East Neuk Market Garden