Delaterre Permaculture Farm

Delaterre Permaculture Farm

Short description of your place and practices

Miss D. and Farmer Breaux

Donna grew up in the rural parish of Portland, Jamaica, where she spent most of her days outdoors. The daughter of a residential contractor and a nurse anesthetist, they created a rich environment for her to learn and thrive in. Before she learned the term “permaculture” she lived it. The 10 acres was never considered a farm, but at any point in time, it was home to 24 laying hens, 1200 broilers, 100 pigs, a couple of cats and dogs, and a wide variety of perennial fruits and vegetables.

Growing up in rural Louisiana, Waylon’s family always had a backyard garden and sometimes animals. These were usually chickens and one or two pigs each year that were butchered for the family in the fall. When he was in high school, he joined the local 4-H chapter and began raising rabbits for show and for meat. There was always fresh, homegrown food of some kind available through the year, even if it was something from the summer that his mom had canned.

In 2015, fate would bring Waylon and Donna together, working for Campti Field of Dreams, a non-profit organization in Campti, LA. They built Tallawah Farm from the ground up, a 25-acre sustainable agriculture demonstration farm, where they taught people how to grow their own food using sustainable agricultural practices. As time passed they dreamed of owning their own farm.

In October 2019, they purchased a 14-acre homestead in Eros, LA, and started DeLaTerre Permaculture Farm. DeLaTerre is French for “of the earth”. They believe that by building the soil with natural, regenerative practices, the food grown in it becomes your natural pharmacy. No chemical fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides are necessary to grow food that is wholesome, nutritious, and just plain tastes good! Together, they want to grow food the way nature intended for you, your family, and your friends.

The health of your family is our number 1 priority!
Healthy food starts with healthy soil.

Management-intensive rotational grazing, crop rotation, green manures, cover crops, and compost all work together to build and maintain healthy soils.

We’re farming in a way that builds soil for generations to come while producing nutrient-dense food for you.


United States of America

Responsible for information

Delaterre Permaculture Farm