Arcadia Permaculture Farm

Arcadia Permaculture Farm

Short description of your place and practices

A startup permaculture farm in the beautiful Murray Hills north of Trenton. Building a regenerative agriculture system from the ground up.

The right way to farm is the one that's suited to the place the farm is. What's perfect in one bioregion may be unsuited to another. While we take our guiding principles from permaculture, our methods will remain a work in progress.

Organics and sustainability, while admirable, are not enough. We must harness the power of living systems to regenerate the environment which supports human life, and the complex web of species we rely on for our survival.

​All of human history is a story of us consuming all of the resources in a place, then moving on to the next. Technology has accelerated the rate at which we consume resources, such that even if we were to stop today, the changes we've caused to our environment may never recover on their own. We're out of new places to move on to.



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Arcadia Permaculture Farm